
code: 错误数字代码
type: 错误类型
description: 错误描述

1 系统级错误(SystemException)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明 错误英文代码
1001 Service temporarily unavailable 服务临时不可用 system_unavailable
1002 Service exception has occured 服务数据出现异常 system_exception
1003 IP limit access IP限制访问 system_ip_limit
1004 Client id null 客户ID为空 system_clientid_null
1005 Client id invalid 客户ID无效 system_clientid_invalid
1006 Permission denied,Need high level 无权限调用,需要高级别 system_permission_denied
1007 Access token null Access token为空 system_accesstoken_null
1008 Access token invalid Access token无效 system_accesstoken_invalid
1009 Access token expired,need refresh Access token过期,需刷新 system_accesstoken_expired
1010 It must be HTTP POST request 请求必须是POST方式 system_request_post
1011 Do not support this data format 不支持这种数据格式 system_unsupport_format
1012 The request is missing a required parameter(%s) 缺失必须参数 system_missing_parameter
1013 The request parameter is invalid(%s) 无效的参数 system_invalid_parameter
1014 The request exceed the maximum matching(%s) 超出最大匹配限额 system_max_matches
1015 Client secret null 客户 SECRET 为空 system_clientsecret_null
1016 Client secret invalid 客户 SECRET 无效 system_clientsecret_invalid
1017 Rate limiting access 频率限制访问 system_rate_limiting
1018 Captcha invalid 验证码无效 system_captcha_invalid

2 业务级错误

2.1 OAuth2授权(OAuth2Exception)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明 错误英文代码
130011201 The request is missing required parameter 缺失必须的参数 invalid_request
130011202 The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server 不支持的授权方式 unsupported_grant_type
130011203 The authorization server does not support obtaining an authorization code using this method 授权服务器不支持的请求方式 unsupported_grant_type
130011204 The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. 不可预知的服务器异常 server_error
130011205 The authenticated client is not authorized to use this authorization grant type 未授权此APP使用这种授权方式 unauthorized_client
130011206 The resource owner or authorization server denied the request 资源所有者拒绝授权 access_denied
130011207 The provided authorization grant (e.g. authorization code, resource owner credentials) is invalid, expired,revoked, does not match the redirection URIused in the authorization request, or was issued to another client Code或Refresh Code 无效,过期或者被删除,或者redirect_uri与服务端不匹配 invalid_grant
130011208 Client authentication failed(e.g. unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method) Client_id与服务器的不匹配,或username/password不匹配 invalid_client
130011209 The requested scope is invalid, unknown, or malformed 请求的scope无效 invalid_scope

2.2 用户(UsersException)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明

2.3 评论(CommentsException)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明
130030051 More than 300 characters (utf8) 字数大于300(utf8)
130030052 Contains do not submit level of taboo words 含有不能提交级别的禁忌词
130030053 The video don't exist 视频不存在
130030054 The video don't allow comments 视频不允许评论
130030055 Not paying customers can't comment on charges video 未付费用户不能评论收费视频
130030102 No data 没有数据
130030400 Can't repeat published comments 不能发表重复评论
130030402 Content is not effective UTF8 characters 评论内容不是有效的UTF8字符

2.4 视频(VideosException)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明
120020001 The video not exist 视频不存在
120020002 Permission denied 无权限操作
120020003 Video has recommended,Don't allow operation 视频已被推荐,不允许操作
120020004 Update failure 更新失败
120020005 Delete failure 删除失败
120020102 Can fill in the 50 most title characters 标题最多能填写50个汉字
120020103 Title may not only use digital said, please add or use concise clear text 标题不可以只用数字表示,请补充或使用简洁明确的文字
120020104 Title contain web site banned content, please you change other titles 标题含有网站禁止内容,请您更换其他标题
120020122 Your definition of the tag number more than 10,please delete the tag number 您定义的标签个数超过了10个,请删除标签个数
120020123 Tags contain sensitive characters 标签中含有敏感字符
120020124 A single tag at least two letters 单个标签最少2个字母
120020125 A single tag the 12 most letters 单个标签最多12个字母
120020126 A single tag at least two characters 单个标签最少2个汉字
120020127 A single tag six most Chinese characters 单个标签最多6个汉字
120020141 Describe information contains web site banned content, please check and to submit 描述信息含有网站禁止内容,请检查并重新提交

2.5 节目(ShowsException)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明
120030001 fail 失败
120030002 expression 异常 ,所有不确定情况的连接错误
120030100 to connection index server error 连接sphinx失败,sphinx返回Connection refused,index not preread或incomplete read
120030101 index server process error 连接sphinx失败,除以上三种情况的sphinx返回错误
120030102 service not found 服务未找到,代码中的类名与注册的名称不一致,完整代码一般不会产生该错误
120030103 index server unset 与服务对应的索引服务器未配置或配置格式有误
120030200 id invalid 无效的ID,一般发生在id有特殊字符等不合法的情况
120030206 range field is not numeric 使用的范围查寻字段值不是数字
120030207 field value is wrong 属性值有误,无法在枚举中找到该值
120030302 can not use * in debug mode 不能使用字段通配*号,只有在调试模式下才可用

2.6 专辑(PlaylistsException)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明
120040001 The playlist not exist 专辑不存在
120040002 Permission denied 无权限操作
120040003 Operation fail 操作失败
120040101 Title can complete 2-100 characters 标题能填写2-100个字符
120040102 Title contain web site banned content, please you change other titles 标题含有网站禁止内容,请您更换其他标题
120040103 Your definition of the tag number more than 10,please delete the tag number 您定义的标签个数超过了10个,请删除标签个数
120040104 A single tag at least two letters 单个标签最少2个字母
120040105 A single tag the 12 most letters 单个标签最多12个字母
120040106 A single tag at least two characters 单个标签最少2个汉字
120040107 A single tag six most Chinese characters 单个标签最多6个汉字
120040108 Tags contain sensitive characters 标签中含有敏感字符
120040109 Describe information contains web site banned content, please check and to submit 描述信息含有网站禁止内容,请检查并重新提交
120040110 Playlis video beyond the limit 专辑视频超出了限制

2.7 上传(UploadsException)

错误数字代码 错误描述 中文说明
120010101 Title can't empty 标题不能为空
120010102 Can fill in the 50 most title characters 标题最多能填写50个汉字
120010103 Title may not only use digital said, please add or use concise clear text 标题不可以只用数字表示,请补充或使用简洁明确的文字
120010104 Title contain web site banned content, please you change other titles 标题含有网站禁止内容,请您更换其他标题
120010111 Duplicated uploading by the same user 此用户已经上传过该视频
120010121 Tags can't empty 标签不能为空
120010122 Your definition of the tag number more than 10,please delete the tag number 您定义的标签个数超过了10个,请删除标签个数
120010123 Tags contain sensitive characters 标签中含有敏感字符
120010124 A single tag at least two letters 单个标签最少2个字母
120010125 A single tag the 12 most letters 单个标签最多12个字母
120010126 A single tag at least two characters 单个标签最少2个汉字
120010127 A single tag six most Chinese characters 单个标签最多6个汉字
120010131 Category can't empty 分类不能为空
120010132 Can select a category 您选择的分类个数超过了1个,请减少分类选择个数
120010141 Describe information contains web site banned content, please check and to submit 描述信息含有网站禁止内容,请检查并重新提交
120010151 Upload task invalid 上传任务无效
120010152 Insert video error 插入视频出错
120010153 Update extend info error 更新扩展信息出错
120010201 the upload number has reached the daily upper limit 今日上传数已达到上限